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Some Attempts to Meet Belsebuub in the Astral Plane

Experience Submitted by Lucia Beznik
Experience Submitted by Lucia Beznik

Meeting Belsebuub in the Astral after a Long Period of Lucidity

This experience happened at the beginning of my astral explorations. I had heard that it was possible to invoke a spiritual being in the astral plane, and as there was a group effort going on at that time to invoke a spiritual being of choice in the astral, I decided to try and invoke Belsebuub.

I didn’t have any particular question for him, but had faith that if I did succeed, he would most likely show me exactly what I needed at that time.

So I didn’t prepare anything, just kept this goal of meeting him on my mind and practiced the techniques of astral projection every night. I also did the exercises for becoming lucid in my dreams, including checking regularly whether I was in the astral or physical plane during the day. After each check, I would remind myself of my astral goal.

After a few days of these efforts, I managed to become lucid in my dream. I started flying high to the sky, enjoying the freedom of being conscious in the astral plane.

For a while, I lost my awareness, only to see and hear symbolic things, and shortly after that I regained my lucidity again, still flying. In order to prevent falling into unconsciousness again, I started paying close attention and didn’t let any thoughts to distract me.

lucia_parkWhenever I felt like I was losing the scenery, I touched something that was a part of the landscape, like a tree or a bush, to help me to stay there longer.

Then I remembered my goal of calling Belsebuub. I started calling him, but saw that the people around began looking at me, so I decided to find a more secluded place.

After finding it, I started calling Belsebuub again. But nothing happened, so I continued flying around.

I was flying above a nice landscape with bushes and trees, and kept calling him again and again here and there. In the meantime I observed the scenery.

I noticed there was a group of people walking below me, who looked like students being taught. I flew closer to them, but then felt like I may be disrupting them and so I flew away again and then noticed a beautiful yellow bush. I flew to it and picked up a small branch, and started calling Belsebuub again, planning to maybe give him this branch as a β€œwelcome” when he arrives. πŸ™‚ But nothing happened.

At this point my focus started to deteriorate a bit and I knew I had to do something quickly, otherwise I could lose the experience and wake up or fall into a dream.

Photo by Manuel Will via unsplash.com (edited)
Photo by Manuel Will via unsplash.com (edited)

Then I noticed a very tall tree, and decided to fly on the top of it in order to have a better view if Belsebuub appeared, and started calling him again. I felt my awareness fading at this point, so from all my remaining strength, I started saying the Bellilin recitation, just to hear my voice and to help me to stay lucid.

After this I made one more attempt to call and immediately after, I saw Belsebuub approaching the tree I was sitting on. He was dressed with a symbolic type of clothes and after reaching the tree he did and said some things, and then took me somewhere else, communicating through a combination of telepathy and singing, which conveyed an explanation of some things I was pondering on at those times.

Even after many years, I still remember the feeling of this experience and how I felt almost β€œbored” in the astral, not knowing what to do while being lucid there for a such a long time before he finally arrived. πŸ™‚ I’m glad I persisted and received that teaching.

Meeting Belsebuub after a Prayer

During a period of lots of experiences with negative beings in the astral plane I had a scary dream where some entities were attacking me. The dream had a sense of reality to it and I immediately woke up from it frightened.

At this point, I felt like these attacks had reached an intensity I was not able to deal with on my own, and started intensively calling and praying to Belsebuub for help. I fell asleep while praying.

Immediately, I found myself in a clear dream. A car approached me, with Belsebuub in it. He stopped and I went inside it and we started talking.

I told him about the negative attacks and how bad they have become and how I felt like it was too much for me to bear. He listened to me very attentively and then told me something that gave me a hope that the attacks would stop. I also understood from this conversation that I was not the only one at that time being attacked like that.

After this dream, the heavy attacks stopped. I still kept encountering the negative entities of course, but they weren’t so out of proportion as before.

Experience with Negative Entities’ Reaction to Belsebuub’s Name

On this occasion I didn’t actually meet Belsebuub, but managed to learn some unexpected things, including the powerful effect that just pronouncing his name had on the negative beings.

During a walk home from my work I decided to intensively apply the technique of elimination of negative inner states I learned from Belsebuub’s work. I paid a special attention to unrelated thoughts/mind chatter, making sure to get them before they got a chance to develop into the elaborate stories.

That night I found myself conscious in the astral plane and remembered my goal of calling Belsebuub, whom I wanted to ask some personal questions. This time, however, instead of simply calling him, I decided to ask to be taken to him.

Immediately, I started feeling a magnetic pull and began flying by a rapid speed, using the Bellilin recitation during the flight to ground myself and also to clear the air from any possible negativity.

After a while, the flight became slower and I landed somewhere in a town, next to an administrative-type of building, with the entrance door made of glass. Thinking that maybe Belsebuub was there, I entered.

I found myself in a big conference room. It was mostly empty, but it looked like some audience was expected, as the chairs were arranged accordingly. At the end of the room there were two men working on something on a computer, as if preparing a presentation for that meeting.

I walked towards them, and wanting to be polite, I stretched my hand to give one of them a handshake. However, as I was trying to do that, I felt some sort of β€œrepellent magnetic force” that prevented me to touch his hand.

After this, the men asked me what I wanted and I told that I was searching for Belsebuub. After saying his name, the two men got thrown back towards the wall, as if a strong wind swept them away. This surprised me, and in the same time I started to suspect that I could be dealing with negative beings here. But since it was me who entered their space, I decided to just continue being polite and hope for the best…

One of the men asked me why I was searching for Belsebuub and I answered in a general way, to which he answered something that surprised me and sounded like it could possibly contain some elements of truth.

At this point the room started to fill with people who were staring at me, so I said good bye and hoped for a smooth departure.

I made it out of the room, but as I tried to take off and start flying, I felt a strong unpleasant sensation in my lower back that instantly woke me up. I have experienced this kind of attack many times in the past, so I knew what it was. The entities just weren’t going to let me continue on my journey.

Later on, I read an experience of Belsebuub’s wife about the powerful effect of Belsebuub’s presence on a group of negative beings that she and her husband encountered in a similar high-tech building with a computer screen, that made me remember this experience and realize the power of Light against the Darkness. Even just seeing my hand β€œrepelling” the entity gave me an indication of how differently β€œcharged” those who work for the Light and Darkness are.

  • I liked also your persistence Lucia to keep on trying to make that contact. Disappointment can take me down very easy on such occasions.

    Thank you for sharing it!

  • Thank you so much for sharing your experiences Lucia. It was incredible to hear about the almost non-conventional encounter with negative beings, (you would think its’ only demons and hellish entities, but your encounter seemed so official) only to see them being pulled to the wall at the sound of Belsebuub’s name. This reminds me also of some NDE videos I have watched in the past where people experiencing hell, and being surrounded by demonic entities mentioned God, or Jesus, or other divine words and prayers which expelled and upset the beings that were previously harassing them.

  • Amazing first experience where you persisted and eventually were able to call Belsebuub.

    I can also verify that ‘Belsebuub’ has a strength against negative entities. I was once looking for Belsebuub through various situations in an astral experience. As part of this experience I met a person who tried to convince me against my pursuit. That person could not pronounce Belsebuub, and whenever I said ‘Belsebuub’ out loud they noticeably flinched until eventually going away from me entirely. At the time I also thought this is a negative entity from the beginning because I encountered them after noticing that they were holding on to my back.

    • Isn’t the astral such a magical world! Where we can experience these otherworldly interesting things. It seems that even those things which we can strongly see there also still exist, perhaps more subtly, over here. Sounds, energies, beautiful things etc.

    • That’s interesting Aleks that the entity eventually went away from you just like that, that you didn’t even need to use any recitations or anything. I wish this was a more common occurence! πŸ˜€

  • Thanks Lucia for sharing, it’s really inspiring to know that these meetings are possible!

  • Thanks for sharing your experiences Lucia. I found it very inspiring to read πŸ™‚

  • What remarkable experiences, Lucia! I found them quite inspiring to read.

    It’s amazing that mentioning Belsebuub’s name is so powerful. Those must have been some really nasty entities preparing a presentation. I wonder why they even needed a computer in the astral! I wonder if spiritual beings also use computers in the astral.

    I can relate a lot to your first experience. It can seem like an eternity of calling before a spiritual being arrives on the scene. I’m glad you were persistent and didn’t give up, and that you managed to meet with Belsebuub. The modality of the teaching also sounds so unique: singing, too!

    • Hi Mike,

      Yes I was wondering about the computer aspect too, and why the astral plane seems to be so similar to the physical one, even to the point of having computers or astral restaurants.
      In any case, their “computers” are probably something else (more advanced) than these physical machines we know from the physical world. Its also possible that they use them for a specific reason, like to imply the current age, etc., who knows. I am not sure if spiritual beings also use these, but somehow I feel like maybe they would have other means of communicating, maybe something more beautiful and natural. πŸ™‚ But it depends on what they would try to convey I guess.

      About singing, I like it very much and have experienced it a few times in the astral, it always feels so beautiful…
      Sometimes when I manage to sing there, it seems to be always when I wish to express some deeper feelings, so maybe there is a purpose and reason to this way of communicating.

      • Lucia, I can relate to your note about singing. A few times I have done that in the astral and it can be a very powerful experience, where it seems like a vocalization of the deep motivations of the spirit within. It’s a very ‘creative’ act. And the emotions can be so powerful, yet so different than the normal emotions we experience here.

        • I liked how you called it Andrew – “vocalizations of the deep motivations of the spirit within”, that’s exactly how it feels to me to sing there… I heard there are choirs of Angels that by their singing, “maintain the creation”. So there definitely seems to be something creative about it, something different than when we just sing here in the physical world.

          • Yes singing seems to be a very special act. Even in the physical after a good sing I can feel myself ‘charged’ internally in a similar way that mantras create a vibration within.

          • Yes, it makes me reflect on the Word (the logos) and the creative force of the AUM, spawning the universe at the big bang. Ella, I can definitely relate to feeling charged after singing. Sometimes after sitting down at the piano and singing I feel very rejuvenated.

      • I think that part of it is related to our society being so used to computers.

        In one experience I met a Being in the astral plane who was sitting at a desk in front of two computer screens. As I stood in front of their desk this person turned one screen towards me for me to look at. And then a little while later the other screen. In both cases I could see specific psychological states come up within me. The egos were not obviously related to the computer.

        I suspect that the computer was utilized because it is such a normal way for me to relate to life.

        • Hi Aleks,

          Thank you for sharing, I also suspected it, as I also had some symbolic dreams with computers in them, or getting answer to my prayers through “astral email”. πŸ™‚
          Regarding those negative entities using a computer to prepare their presentation, I am wondering if they were maybe somehow “operating” in this time and age in the physical world, or influencing it, and that’s why they used computers, to reflect this era.

          • Interesting topic. I wonder also if we’ve started to use technology through ‘reverse-engineering’ – I’ve heard that some of the newer technology we have does have a higher, ET origin. Computers must be part of it, I mean, it’s pretty crazy that we can even type this thing here for it to show up to you over there … πŸ™‚

            The higher being must know how to use it intelligently though … no zombie-like time wasting I’m sure.

      • Me, too, I really like singing. It can be so uplifting (even if I’m not a good singer, I enjoy it).

        I hope I can explore singing in the astral, too.

  • Thanks for sharing those astral experiences Lucia. It’s interesting how you felt the negative energy coming from the people you encountered in the last experience as a repellent force.

    I was also thinking of Lara’s similar experience as I was reading your story. The high-tech business-like set up in both cases actually sounds pretty similar to the physical world, where some large corporations have a neat and efficient outward appearance, which actually conceals and dark and sinister agenda.

    • Hi Michael,

      Yes the repellent force I experienced in this experience surprised me too. Usually, when negative entities attack me in the astral, they can even hold me or things like that, and I have never felt that force before. I was also speculating maybe it was a kind of protection, as “shaking hands” seems to be a sign of friendship or acquaintance in the physical world, so maybe that’s why something prevented me from doing so, but its hard to tell…

  • That’s so nice you were gathering some nice branches as a welcome πŸ™‚

    I like your determination to keep going and know what it’s like when calling for a spiritual being or asking for an experience and nothing seems to happen. Then what? What do we decide to do and what does that say about ourselves.

    I might’ve mentioned it before but it seems quite related so I thought I’d write it down. A little experience I had not overly long ago was where I was in the astral and had become lucid and aware, and I had been for a while. At one point while being on top of my childhood house, it was night outside and cloudy, I decided to try to call Belsebuub. The thing was I didn’t really have a question or didn’t feel a particular need at the time, it was a bit more like: ‘I’m in the astral and this seems like a beneficial thing to try.’ When I called his name the first time, immediately an understanding or intuition hit me that conveyed he was not going to appear because it wasn’t the time. Normally, as has happened in the past, this would make me perhaps a bit disappointed but I felt that wasn’t needed, as it wasn’t necessarily that I didn’t deserve a visit but rather that it just wasn’t fitting at that time. Even while being aware of this I also felt that it would be okay to continue calling his name.
    So all that reached me in this ‘all-in-one’ understanding virtually at once.

    When, quite loudly, I called out his name the second time though I felt something…. and especially at the third call, sort of reverberating deeply behind the sky of grey clouds I was looking at, I could sense that there was very powerful Being behind that name.

    It was a bit surprising, in the sense of why didn’t I notice it in that way before in the past? Perhaps it was because of some things I had read not too long before that which made me better aware of it, or gave it a context which I experienced a bit of myself now.

    Anyway, thanks Lucia. The astral is such a magical place really!

    • Thank you for sharing the understanding you got Karim about the immense strength of the being Belsebuub. It sounds like your own higher being was guiding you in that experience through intuition, at first “informing” you that Belsebuub was not going to appear at that particular occasion, but yet still encouraging you to call in order to give you the teaching about the nature/power of his Being.


Belsebuub is a British-born author who writes about out-of-body and other types of mystical experiences. He withdrew from public life in 2010. Read more here.

More Experience Sites

More experiences with Belsebuub's work:
- Out-of-Body Experiences
- Self-Discovery
- Dream Guidance

Read more about this series of sites here.